In 2015 Articulture joined forces with Greenwich+Docklands International Festival (GDIF), XTRAX and Creu Cymru to provide bursaries for Wales based artists and arts organisations to see new outdoor work, network and attend key professional sessions at the XTRAX Showcase.
Through these bursaries the aim was to create a wider arena of sharing, connections and collaborations for the development of outdoor arts in Wales, as well as to initiate a distinct Welsh presence at this leading international event.
Greenwich+Docklands International Festival (GDIF) is London’s leading festival of free outdoor performing arts (theatre, dance, circus and street arts), an annual 9-day celebration of extraordinary outdoor events that transform people’s lives.
XTRAX supports inspirational outdoor performance projects, festivals and showcases designed to promote innovative outdoor work from UK and international artists.
Guest artist blog – Ruth Stringer