The Wales Outdoor Arts Consortium tour of three new outdoor works came to an end in September at the sunny and successful LLAWN#4 – Llandudno Arts Weekend.
Timed to coincide, the Independent Street Arts Network (ISAN) Outdoor Arts networking UK tour also arrived in the Welsh seaside town to host an informal networking event, in collaboration with Articulture and LLAWN. This was attended by over 20 people working in, or interested in working in the outdoor arts in Wales.
As with other ISAN tour events, the event included a discussion about issues affecting the outdoor arts sector, the opportunity to share information, events and ideas, the chance to discover more about the host festival, and networking time with fellow producers and programmers and artists. The hot topic at this event – practical rural touring.
ISAN also promoted their upcoming Ideas Summit 2016 in Bradford a few weeks later, ISAN’s annual pitching session in which around 30 artists and companies will present ideas for new Outdoor Arts projects and seek commissioners, partners, collaborators, potential bookings and feedback.
ISAN membership is open to individuals, companies and organisations who actively support the development of outdoor arts in their professional work. Find out more here – http://www.isanuk.org/join/
(Pictured – Run Ragged ‘Baah’, Dripping Tap ‘Webster & Jones: A Pocket Guide to Wales’ and Chloe Loftus Dance ‘An Act of Strangers’) Credits /Sarah Morton/Clare Turner/Mark McNulty)