ISAN – the Independent Street Arts Network – heads to the Welsh seaside on the last date of their Outdoor Arts networking tour across the UK this summer, hosted by the inspiring Llandudno Arts Weekend (LLAWN#4) in association with Articulture Wales. Hot topic: practical rural programming!
As with other ISAN tour events, this one will include a discussion about issues affecting the outdoor arts sector, the opportunity to share information, events and ideas, the chance to discover more about the host festival, and networking time with fellow producers and programmers and artists. ISAN will be inviting funding representatives to help with your financial questions and hopefully helping advise or point you in the right direction on most matters.
There will be some modest catering and a friendly atmosphere. Anyone with an interest in the Outdoor Arts sector is welcome to attend, but, if necessary, ISAN will give priority to ISAN members.
- Welcome, introductions and refreshments
- Let’s Talk About… our hosts: Llandudo Arts Weekend (Llawn#4)
- Let’s Talk About… a burning topic:
How can we meet the challenges of Outdoor Arts in rural settings and field festivals, especially where income is required? - Let’s Talk About… Outdoor Arts:
Raise questions, offer advice - Let’s Talk About… news and views:
The chance to share news, ideas and events and discuss funding opportunities - Informal chat, mingle and catch-up time
- Sign up for five-minute funding surgeries
This event is FREE and runs 10am – 12pm, Venue TBC located in central Llandudno.
Book a place on line at the ISAN website – http://www.isanuk.org/outdoor-arts/on-the-road-2016/
Why not make a weekend of it – LLAWN has a packed programme of arts events including performance, street-games, music, robot-making, dance, visual-art, film – http://www.llawn.org/whats-on/
ISAN is supported by Arts Council England. Articulture and Llawn#4 are supported by the Arts Council of Wales.