Art in the public space is integral to cultural Wales with its festivals, theatre, activism, circus and ritual and is now fast becoming one of the important ways to help navigate our recovery. This week Articulture announces a new six-month programme that seeks to strengthen outdoor arts in Wales, and to inspire through training, live zoom events and podcasts.
The nature of outdoor arts as inclusive, subversive and diverse can play a crucial part in the healing that our society needs to rebuild itself, with working outdoors an important and practical way of seeing and making work. Articulture’s new programme has been formed through our work during the Covid crisis of the last few months, and funded by the Arts Council of Wales.
In addition to the programme we will also be undertaking some internal creative work, with new business plans and improved accessibility for online platforms.
To receive updates as opportunities go live – sign up to our mailing list on our homepage, or follow us on FB and Twitter.
*Training – ‘Create in Public Space’ – FAI-AR and IN SITU’s MOOC course
Starting July and September
Develop your skills and understanding of artistic creation in the public space together with other artists, producers, venues, land managers and others across Wales with the free online course ‘Create in Public Space’ with Articulture in July or September.
Created by FAI-AR, Europe’s sole higher education training programme on art in public space, in collaboration with IN SITU and Artcena, the 4-week ‘MOOC’ (Massive Open Online Course) is packed with tools and inspiration to help participants understand and play a role in artistic creation in public space. Facilitated by Articulture, each week participants will undertake a course unit independently, and then meet with others for a collective discussion to share insight and learning.
Following a successful first run here in Wales, with positive feedback from those taking part, a new call out for participants will be circulated in late June.
‘A course I would highly recommend to anyone with an interest in creating in a public space’.
‘It was really such a valuable experience and has rekindled my creative joie de vivre!’
‘Quality of content, rigour of intellectual framework, fascinating examples of work’
*Live events and podcasts – Arts in public space in Wales
July – November
Take an active part in exploring the story of outdoor arts in Wales, its people and processes and help build its future, with a new series of live zoom events and podcasts from July to November, running along these themes –
‘We dream in narrative, daydream in narrative, remember, anticipate, hope, despair, believe, doubt, plan, revise, criticize, construct, gossip, learn, hate and love by narrative. In order really to live, we make up stories about ourselves and others, about the personal as well as the social past and future’. Barbara Hardy
We invite you to share your experiences through two live events this summer to help us start to document and form a collaborative story of the arts in public space in Wales.
With its unique talent and powerful ability to encourage participation and beneficial partnerships across all sectors of society, it’s time to pull together the story that we can all own and tell, to advocate for the outdoor arts as key to supporting sustainable communities in Wales.
People and Processes
Tune in and listen to a collection of live interviews and podcasts starting in July from a range of practitioners creating in the public space in Wales from arts and non-arts backgrounds and at all stages of their careers, sharing their practices and processes.
Take part in an unfolding and responsive series of live events starting in July that will bring some joy, love and connection, as well as creat space for project sharing, development and problem solving as we dream and create new work in and out of Covid.
Following on from the work on Story, we will also be inviting you to share your insight and experiences to help form strategies for the future of education and training for arts in the public space in Wales, with two special live events.
Image – Krystal Lowe – ‘Whimsy’