Join others interested/involved in outdoor arts at NASA’s annual gathering of Outdoor and Street Arts professionals – a weekend of inspiration, creation and fun, a chance to recharge and re-connect.
This year’s theme is OPPOSITION – in politics and debate, with colour, scale, temperature and more
Dates: 6pm Friday 17th February to 5pm Sunday 19th February
Location: 101 Creation Space, Greenham Common, Newbury, Berkshire, RG19 6HN
What is For the Love Of It?
Part of the fun is that as most of the sessions are led by the participants, you almost can’t tell what sessions to expect until they happen, it’s a leap in the dark…
What we do know is that the weekend will be a mixture of:
- Learning practical skills e.g. fooling techniques, chorus song, electricity outdoors, explosions
- Focused discussions e.g. critical writing, diversity and other conundrums
- Presentations from invited guests exploring their work and ideas about the world
- Showings of work in progress from ideas to performance
- Eating and chatting with other participants in an open and friendly atmosphere
Guest speakers for 2017
Heba El-Sheikh with her colleague Reem El Sayed El Sakka Khedr from Egypt (supported by British Council Egypt). Heba is a creative producer who co-founded Mahatat, a contemporary art company based in Cairo. She also co-founded The “Journey Cultural Group” in Alexandria, aiming to promote youth creativity and critical thinking through culture and arts. She has written about ‘Art in Public Space in Egypt’ looking at cultural life after the ‘Arab Spring’, and about Audiences and Art in the Public Space in Egypt. She will talk about the challenges of presenting community orientated work in Egypt and the work she has done with a collection of amazing artists.
Floriane Gaber is a Belgian writer, researcher, journalist and teacher based in Paris. She is a well-travelled commentator and critic of street theatre, mime, circus and spoken/written word performance. She has been published widely and is a regular contributor to arts journals and magazines. She will talk about the political context of outdoor arts, from protests against the Vietnam war in 1968 to the social implications of artists working on the streets of Belarus today, including shows that she’s seen and artists that she’s worked with.
Plus a provocation from Jeremy Shine!
NASA ask that everybody does something, – could be washing up, could be offering a 3 minute moment at our mini-cabaret evening, could be suggesting a theme to discuss or sharing a technique with a small group…or any/all of the above!
Full details here – http://nasauk.org/projects/floi/for-the-love-of-it-2017/